2024 KCP Application
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Clean Terawatts
Org Type
For Profit
Year Founded
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Project Summary / Description:
Our goal is to help energize the transition to clean power, sustainably. We will help lower the cost and give equal access to reliable power. We will recover waste heat that is not being disposed of responsibly and is damaging our oceans. (Billions of gallons every hour) Our technology is the least expensive and most efficient. We do more with less. 80% of the world‚ power comes from converting heat into electricity. Our Updraft Tower is by far the‚Ķ ÔÇß Most Efficient ÔÇß Least Expensive ÔÇß Most Sustainable ‚Ķway to convert heat into electricity. We will acquire our heat from: ÔÇß Waste heat from power plants and industrial plants ÔÇß Geothermal heat in phase two Every megawatt we reclaim is one megawatt that doesn't need to be generated by burning something. We will become an important new source of clean power and help close the dirtiest plants.
Regions of Operations:
Southeast Asia
South Asia
East Asia
Central Asia
Middle East
North America
South America
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
East Africa
North Africa
Southern Africa
Central Africa
Other Countries
How Project Affects Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions:
Replaces/avoids GHGs (e.g., projects that replace sources of GHGs, such as the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat, transport, or other energy uses), Reduces GHGs (e.g., projects that reduce sources of GHGs, such as through efficiency or other changes in consumption)
Best Estimate of GHG Avoidance/Reduction of This Project (Tonnes CO2 Equivalent/Year):
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
The disadvantaged and underrepresented communities that live near the polluting generation will benefit. Coal-based electricity is extremely polluting when mining, transporting, prepping for burning, burning, and disposal of the aftermath of combustion. We hope to help remedy this situation by offering a clean renewable BASELOAD alternative. We will help capture escaping methane gas that poses a threat to health and the greenhouse effect. Everyone will benefit from a cleaner environment. We all benefit from healthier oceans as we stop dumping 100‚ of Gigawatts of heat and expect the ocean to absorb the CO2 we put out. We have a long-term goal of helping to lower the cost of electricity. Existing renewables are actually much more expensive when you compare them fairly, so we are in danger of having an intermittent supply and higher bills. We hope to help remedy this situation. We believe because of the many advantages of our tech, we will deploy worldwide very rapidly. We will be an important contribution to energy production while other technologies are still in their pilot phase. All without depleting our natural resources or bankrupting the economy. We do more with less.
Built Environment
Energy Efficiency
Energy storage
Circular Economy
Carbon Removal
Electric Transportation
Cooling Solutions
Clean Cooking
Environmental justice
Research or Economic Modeling
Measurement, Reporting & Validation
Mission Statement:
While our LLC was formed just over a year ago, we have been working on the project for a decade. We have a board of advisors who have been giving their expertise and experience for more than 10 years. No one on the team has been paid a dime; they have come on board because they believe in the possibilities. I have personally invested over $100,000 out of pocket. Now it is time to form a traditional business and the first money in will make that possible. Team Growth. As we achieve proof of concept, raise money, and start to move toward our pilot plant, we will be able to attract a talented, lean, startup team. We felt it was better to spend our efforts getting proof and funding before attracting a killer team. We are developing the technology in Southern California and will expand country wide and finally worldwide.