2024 KCP Application
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Earth Regenerative Project Sierra Leone- NGO
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Year Founded
Primary Project Category:
Project Summary / Description:
Sierra Leone is faced with climate change problems such as mudslide, flooding, global warming, and bush fire, which is an annual event in most communities, as a result, most forest trees has faced out, many rivers and streams dry out too early. This has led to the loss of viable farmland, loss of habitat and has also led to so much food insecurity. Savanna grass land has taken over most tropical rain forest and typical farmland. Annual bush fire has it appears every year causes lots to damage to permanent crops and many other infrastructures including household properties and sometimes human lives. Against this backdrop planting economic trees in these dilapidated areas will help alleviate some of these problems. The low yield of farmers‚ product and land under production as clearly manifested that we have lost most of our bio species. Planting economic trees with good management will bring most abandoned farmlands and most of our devastated reserve forests. This project was formed through the initiative of four (4) young thinkers in complimenting the government effort in mitigating climate change in Sierra Leone because of the negative effect it has in our country. This project was funded in November 2021 by the Ministry of Environment in Sierra Leone.
How Project Affects Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions:
The act of planting economic trees with cash crops in agricultural production system could enhance carbon (C) sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from terrestrial ecosystems, thereby mitigating global climate change. Beneficial management practices such as enrichment planting of economic trees and the application of soil amendments can affect Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions in agroforestry systems; however, the effect of adding organic amendments such as biochar, compost, and manure to soil on enhancing Carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions is important, but primarily planting economic cash crop production systems. Within croplands, application of biochar derived from various feedstocks, has been shown to increase soil organic Carbon content, reduce CO2 and N2O emissions, and increase CH4 uptake, as compared to no application of biochar. Depending on the feedstock used to produce biochar, biochar application can reduce N2O emission by 3% to 84% as compared to no addition of biochars. On the other hand, application of compost emits less CO2 and N2O as compared to the application of manure, while the application of pelleted manure leads to more N2O emission compared to the application of raw manure. The enrichment planting of economic trees and application of organic soil amendments such as compost and biochar will be better options than the application of raw manure for enhancing Carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
This project ensure women and female youth equitable participation in sensation meetings and planning decision making process and providing an environment for them to freely express their specific concerns and perspectives. All short meetings will be schedules for a time convenient for women to attend, as agreed up on by the communities. Ensuring equitable participation and access for all training programs, with at least twenty-five (25%) female participation ‚ for example by providing childcare, considering the location of trainings, and working around women‚ time schedules, as well as being continually aware of numeracy and illiteracy issues particularly for women. Supporting the emergency of women leaders in the communities through the establishment of reforestation programs associations, labour service providers in community development programs. Practical realization that the program belongs and is owned by the community. Ensuring inclusion and active participation of all group members, particularly the poorest, most vulnerable, and marginalized, including female heads of households, female youth, and land less. Ensuring the active participation of chiefs and community elders and other decision makers and tribal heads to refrain from personality and tribal marginalization. The benefit of people‚ participation should go to the village communities and not to commercial or other interest which may try to drive benefit in their names. The selection of beneficiaries should, there for, be done from only those families which are willing to participate through their personal efforts
Built Environment
Energy Efficiency
Energy storage
Circular Economy
Carbon Removal
Electric Transportation
Cooling Solutions
Clean Cooking
Environmental justice
Research or Economic Modeling
Measurement, Reporting & Validation
Mission Statement:
Awareness raising campsigns on climate change, environmental and conversation of foresry Afforestation of different improved varieties of Economic fruit tress
Greatest Current Funding Need: