2024 KCP Application
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Eco Wave Power Ltd.
Org Type
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Project Summary / Description:
Wave energy has been known as a vast potential energy source for hundreds of years, yet due to the high implementation costs & low reliability associated with offshore installations, has struggled to commercialize wave energy systems. The project‚ purpose is to showcase Eco Wave Power‚ innovative onshore wave power technology, serve as a proof of concept and highlight EWP‚ readiness to commercialize grid-connected wave power. EWP achieved its goal on all three fronts. The commercialization of wave energy, a vast untapped renewable resource, will transform the world‚ energy mix and will assist in the global fight against climate change.
How Project Affects Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions:
The project is built arounds Eco Wave Power‚ innovative, cost-efficient and patented technology for turning ocean and sea waves into clean electricity. EWP‚ patented, cutting-edge onshore technology is comprised of unique floaters that attach to existing marine structures such as breakwaters, piers, and jetties. The movement of the floaters compresses and decompresses hydraulic pistons which transmit biodegradable hydraulic fluid into land located accumulators in which pressure is built. The compressed hydraulic fluid is then released to rotate a hydraulic motor which then activates a generator, producing clean electricity which is sent to the electrical grid via an inverter. The technology offers the ability to effectively generate clean and emission-free electricity from an immense and previously untapped renewable energy resource in wavy locations worldwide. Our technology replaces polluting fossil fuel powered generators, making GHG reduction a direct result of running the power plant. Before completion of EWP‚ wave power array, Gibraltar‚ electricity was generated exclusively by imported diesel fuel. There was no grid connected renewable energy, as Gibraltar‚ small footprint keeps real estate prices too high for commercial solar and wind arrays. The Government of Gibraltar was searching for a solution to generate clean electricity and decrease dependence on fossil fuels. Wave power‚ stability makes it an attractive renewable source. In suitable locations, EWP can produce energy around the clock, perfectly complementing solar and wind‚ intermittent nature, allowing for even higher renewable energy penetration into the grid. Wave power can be a substantial part of the renewable energy mix alongside other renewable energy sources, to help overcome the challenges of grid integration of renewable energy.
Sustainable Development Goals:
No poverty
Zero hunger
Health and wellbeing
Quality education
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Life below water
Life on land
Peace and justice
Partnerships for the goals
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
Empowering Women: The Energy Sector is one of the least gender-diverse economic sectors in the world, with women constituting only 10% of the global labor force in the sector while comprising more than half the global population. Additionally, a 2015 study from EY found that globally, women represent only 5% of board executives and only 16% of board members in the energy sector. As a result, Inna‚ leadership position as the Founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power is an example of the positive effects of including women in scientific research and in the global fight against climate change. Today, under Inna‚ leadership, the company is actively developing global commercial-scale wave energy projects. Inna‚ dream is that her personal journey with EWP will empower future generations of female entrepreneurs in the energy sector, who will become a huge asset to the whole world. Since founding EWP, Inna has made significant efforts to foster a more gender-diverse workplace. The company seeks out suitable female employees, to ensure that women have a seat at the table in the company‚ decision-making. Furthermore, the company takes several female interns each year from leading universities in the U.S. & Europe and equips them with skills necessary to succeed in the male-dominated energy field. Lastly, Inna will be mentoring young female entrepreneurs to help foster the next generation of female entrepreneurs. Inna believes that equal representation for women is crucial in the fight against climate change. Energy access is a determining factor in human & societal development, yet almost 1.3 billion people today live without access to electricity. Estimates state that 75% of all people living in energy poverty are women, while they constitute 50% of the global population. Furthermore, according to UN Womenwatch, women are disproportionality affected by the adverse effects of climate change on natural resources as they are dependent on them for their livelihood. EWP‚ wave energy system is a simple and inexpensive solution that can be easily adopted and scaled by the world‚ coastal population for efficient energy production. Utilization of the system will allow remote islands and coastal communities to achieve energy independence and to remove themselves from energy poverty. By using the system, these communities & especially their female members can gain access to clean electricity and in doing so ensure that the natural resources which they depend on are protected. Climate Vulnerable Communities: Remote Island nations will be among the hardest-hit by climate change. They have also been unable to take advantage of renewable energy due to the real-estate crunch on these small Islands. EWP‚ technology will allow these remote islands access to clean, affordable energy, while allowing them to join the fight against climate change. The successful implementation of wave energy projects in these developing countries will assist them not only in reducing emissions but in expanding energy supply, creating local workplaces, and in fostering international investment in the projects, all of which will significantly assist in their development.
Built Environment
Energy Efficiency
Energy storage
Circular Economy
Carbon Removal
Electric Transportation
Cooling Solutions
Clean Cooking
Environmental justice
Research or Economic Modeling
Measurement, Reporting & Validation
57/63 Linewall Road
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