2024 KCP Application
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Project Summary / Description:
Enervee was born out of necessity and motivated by passion. When Enervee‚ co-founder and CEO moved from Germany to NY, he was faced with the daunting task of selecting efficient appliances for his apartment. The difficulties he faced pointed to a market opportunity to provide consumers with choice engines that make it simple and compelling for all of us to buy efficient products that reflect our personal aspirations and needs. Enervee was officially founded in 2010. Since our initial utility deployments in 2014, Enervee has succeeded in building a scalable software-as-a-service (saas) business. Through our current clients in the US and Europe, over 45 million households have access to our online marketplaces. We‚ ve been executing steadily on our technology roadmap, having expanded geographically in 2016 to Europe. In 2017, we extended our clean energy scope beyond efficient appliances, to integrate a rooftop solar concierge service. And in May 2018, we‚ ll be launching Enervee Cars, our vehicle choice engine, which will ensure that every car shopper considers the benefits of the electric vehicle option. 2018 also promises to be a pivotal year for documenting our impact, as the first independent assessments of energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions will be published. Enervee is at a critical stage in our development, as we seek to close a Series B funding round. Our ambition is to move into an increasing number of new geographies, to execute on our product roadmap and to develop a direct-to-consumer offering.
Mission Statement:
Enervee‚ mission is to make it simple, seamless and second nature for all consumers to make energy-smart buying decisions. For Enervee, this mission represents a crucial step in our collective transition to a low-carbon future for two reasons. First, consumer engagement at scale is vital; technology and product-focused innovation at the consumer level are reliant ultimately on consumer acceptance and action. Secondly, influencing buying behavior represents a considerable opportunity to lock-in significant carbon savings over a multi-year period, all from single behavior change (the better purchase). From a behavioral perspective, such an intervention is eminently more efficient, in that it need only be applied once for each product purchase. It is also highly scalable, since the intervention‚ efficacy need not to be reliant on overt education and awareness building, but rather can be achieved through behavioral ‚ nudges‚ . For Enervee, to deliver on this mission at scale requires a commitment to be world-leading in three distinct, energy-relevant disciplines: 1. Excellent data science capabilities, allowing the company to present shoppers with unique ‚ and uniquely personal ‚ data to guide decisions. 2. Leading-edge application of behavioral science techniques, in order to ensure the data are most likely to lead to better choices. 3. World-class digital marketing practices, in order to engage as many consumers as possible in making smarter choices. It is through the continuous combination of these three disciplines that Enervee aims to make consumer buying behavior increasingly energy-smart and carbon free by default.