2024 KCP Application
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Sustainable Neighborhood Network
Org Type
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Project Summary / Description:
The Sustainable Neighborhoods Program (Program) provides local governments with a model for empowering neighborhoods to act in support of climate action. The Program is a catalyst for building resilient neighborhoods while advancing community climate goals. The innovation of the Program is rooted in the combined power of citizen-driven participation and the use of systematic tools to implement strategies with residents. The fluidity of the program allows neighborhoods to identify their own initiatives and is the hallmark of its success. Since its inception, the program has supported more than 1,110 projects while engaging more than 38,000 residents in four Colorado communities.
Regions of Operations:
Southeast Asia
South Asia
East Asia
Central Asia
Middle East
North America
South America
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
East Africa
North Africa
Southern Africa
Central Africa
Other Countries
Best Estimate of GHG Avoidance/Reduction of This Project (Tonnes CO2 Equivalent/Year):
Sustainable Development Goals:
No poverty
Zero hunger
Health and wellbeing
Quality education
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Life below water
Life on land
Peace and justice
Partnerships for the goals
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
The Sustainable Neighborhoods Program empowers residents by creating personal leadership opportunities and encouraging residents to take climate actions into their own hands - both at home and in teams at the neighborhood-level. When neighborhoods apply to join the Program, they are asked to specify how the neighborhood leadership team will be inclusive in all projects and events and encourage diversity in program participants. This may include but is not limited to engaging and providing leadership opportunities for residents of diverse race and ethnicity, residents of varying age and generation, residents who live in various types of housing, and residents of varying socioeconomic background. During the project planning and implementation phase, neighborhoods are provided with resources to engage those populations that are typically underrepresented in the climate movement. This includes assistance curating a neighborhood-level communication plan that incorporates multi-lingual outreach; program certification credits for providing outreach materials and resources in multiple languages; identifying local community partners that have a direct connection with climate-vulnerable communities, people of color and youth. Neighborhoods are also provided with direction on how to engage residents living in various housing types. Often times, household and neighborhood-level climate actions are targeted toward single-family homeowners. This leads to a disparity in accessibility to sustainability-related programs for residents who rent ‚ whether it is an apartment or a house. The Sustainable Neighborhoods Program provides opportunities for all residents to lead programs, despite housing situations. Neighborhoods are provided guidance on how to approach multi-family residential management companies to discuss sustainability, participation in efforts and how they can support outreach efforts. Women are empowered and serving as community leaders in the Sustainable Neighborhoods Program. Over 70% of neighborhood leaders are women and on average, 75% of participants network-wide leadership opportunities have been women. At the network level, the Board of the Sustainable Neighborhood Network has identified environmental justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion as a top priority in its work. The Board recognizes that systemic inequities exist that have excluded those who will be most harmed by climate impacts from contributing to the conversation and being a part of the solution. This Program aims to take a diverse and inclusive approach to creating climate crisis solutions and creating climate leaders at the neighborhood-level. Percent of participating Sustainable Neighborhoods compared with respective city averages: 33% of neighborhoods have greater population over age 65 47% of neighborhoods have greater percentage people of color 43% of neighborhoods have greater proportion of people who speak English less than very well 47% of neighborhoods of neighborhoods have greater percentage people who did not graduate high school 53% of neighborhoods have lower individual median income 43% of neighborhoods have greater percentage of people below 100% of the poverty level
Built Environment
Energy Efficiency
Energy storage
Circular Economy
Carbon Removal
Electric Transportation
Cooling Solutions
Clean Cooking
Environmental justice
Research or Economic Modeling
Measurement, Reporting & Validation
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