2024 KCP Application
View Company
Uprise Energy
Org Type
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Project Summary / Description:
Uprise designed the current project in response to an open solicitation from the California Energy Commission for mobile renewable back-up generation solutions to deploy in California communities impacted by wildfires, including providing energy during preemptive Public Safety Power Shut-Off (PSPS) events and post-fire emergency operations. Although the existing 10-kW MPS unit was ideal for this application, the team has quickly realized the potential for the MPS to support other essential services in communities where they are deployed. Uprise has also determined that an on-board data system needs to be integrated in order to transmit information for managing the energy generated and stored by the MPS unit in order to provide optimal energy resources in communities. The goals of the CEC project are to provide a renewable mobile power system that 1) combines wind and solar generation with energy storage, 2) can be rapidly deployed to provide instantaneous reliable power without grid interconnection, 3) achieves performance metrics in a range of California climate zones and weather conditions, and 4) provides multiple benefits to California ratepayers in low-income, disadvantaged and tribal communities. With the addition of Keeling Curve Prize funds, Uprise will integrate a data layer system to remotely monitor units in the field, reducing operations and maintenance burdens and optimizing energy use.
Regions of Operations:
Southeast Asia
South Asia
East Asia
Central Asia
Middle East
North America
South America
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
East Africa
North Africa
Southern Africa
Central Africa
Other Countries
Best Estimate of GHG Avoidance/Reduction of This Project (Tonnes CO2 Equivalent/Year):
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
Electricity access in rural low-income and disadvantaged communities falls behind urban population centers. Rural communities often lack grid infrastructure that would enable electrification and digital access, limiting the ability for these communities to build wealth. In addition, many rural homes rely on biomass for home cooking, heating, and light, creating poor indoor air quality and contributing to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Local and state governments face considerable challenges in extending grid infrastructure to reach these households, including a lack of sufficient power generation capacity, poor transmission and distribution infrastructure, high costs of supply to remote areas, or simply a lack of affordability for electricity (WorldBank). Yet off-grid electrification also faces challenges‚Äîpoor policies, inadequate regulations, lack of planning and institutional support, lack of financing for off-grid entrepreneurs, and affordability for poorer households‚Äîthat puts low-income rural communities at a disadvantage. Uprise‚ innovation addresses key technical challenges in electrification of low-income, rural communities. First, autonomous features ensure reliable operation without the needs for ongoing maintenance. This includes on-board sensors that automatically adjust turbine blades to face the wind (optimizing generation), autonomous lay-down in extreme winds, auto-start / stop when battery banks are full or power is not being utilized, and autonomous optimal tip speed ratio. Utilizing integrated IoT features, MPS operators can perform the following actions from anywhere in the world with an internet connection: view status of battery storage levels; view reports documenting power usage and generation history; and system troubleshooting. The MPS‚ load management system monitors the onboard battery storage levels to determine when to send power to the batteries and when to pause. It also controls the routing of power to individual battery cells to ensure that they maintain an even charge at all times. The MPS meets current customer needs with extendable / expandable features to meet the needs of the future. Uprise has developed a field-ready innovative solution for increasing energy access throughout the world, while improving livelihoods through enhanced digital access. The addition of the data layer to remotely monitor the MPS will allow the unit to be utilized beyond its current application as a secondary or tertiary energy resource. For example, Uprise has designed a system to renewably energize dispersed rural communities, where the MPS is deployed to a high-wind location to charge on-board modular batteries, which can then be distributed to homes. Without the data layer and remote monitoring, operators would not know when the batteries are fully charged and would need to make unnecessary trips to check on the unit. With the addition of the data layer, Uprise and its customers will have access to this information (and more) empowering them to engage with and manage energy assets.
Built Environment
Energy Efficiency
Energy storage
Circular Economy
Carbon Removal
Electric Transportation
Cooling Solutions
Clean Cooking
Environmental justice
Research or Economic Modeling
Measurement, Reporting & Validation