2024 KCP Application
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Veond app Ltd
Org Type
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Project Summary / Description:
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of their choices on the environment. However, despite a growing interest in wanting to reduce meat and dairy consumption, consumers still struggle to access all the vegan alternatives already available. This conclusion arose in 2019 from a study by The European Consumer Organization, that shows that most EU consumers are open to eating more plant-based and live more sustainably but face hurdles. The main outcome of the report is that most consumers across Europe are willing to change their eating habits. However, to be successful in that transition they need plant-based/vegan choices to become easier. Price ranks first among the barriers to eating more plants , in nearly all countries. Secondly, consumers are hungry for improved information on food labels, product descriptions and accessing a wider trusted range of vegan options. This then led to some internal research, which confirmed that 53% of the enquired people agreed that high prices were a barrier to adopting a plant-based diet and out of that, 38.9% abandoned this process. The purpose of Veond is to enable consumers to access everything they need in an affordable way in order to successfully adopt a vegan diet, or cut the consumption of meat and dairy wherever possible. This will reduce the consumption of animal based products, the emission of greenhouse gases and lead to a shift in consumer behavior, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable planet and society (focusing on SDGs 3, 12 and 13).
Regions of Operations:
Southeast Asia
South Asia
East Asia
Central Asia
Middle East
North America
South America
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
East Africa
North Africa
Southern Africa
Central Africa
Other Countries
Best Estimate of GHG Avoidance/Reduction of This Project (Tonnes CO2 Equivalent/Year):
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
At Veond, we are committed to building a fairer and equitable world. One where all voices are heard and that encompasses a diversity of race, nationalities, religion, color, age, and/or ability. We believe in a diverse, inclusive, equitable, and just approach to solving the global climate crisis. We believe real change comes from the ground up. We know that a small-but-committed team not only has the power to transform society, but change the world. We believe in partnerships too. That‚ why we have teamed up with Climate activists and Climate focused Organisations (such as Proveg and Veganuary) as well as local UK councils to help us in our fight for a more sustainable future. We empower those traditionally underrepresented in the leadership of the climate movement by promoting values such as diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities: Young & unemployed - We bring on board youngsters from our local community. We give them tools, skills, training and a voice by joining us in our climate crises fight. As part of the KickStarter Programm we aim to give people who are young and unemployed a potentially life-changing opportunity to start a new career at Veond. Young people can bring fresh ideas and energy that can help our business flourish. At the same time, we also support them, by training them on how to develop transferable skills that are aimed at increasing their chances of future employment and career development in climate focused enterprises. Women led - Women entrepreneurs and women-led start-ups are known to help diversify value chains, increase competitiveness and enable climate-responsive innovation. Veond empowers women in various ways. Veond is a female founded and led tech company. The Founder, a recent mother, an activist and an entrepreneur is the person leading the company in all its operations. At Veond we ensure salaries and opportunities are equitably determined despite the gender. In addition to that, the founder has engaged in mentorship programmes to other women entrepreneurs in the green sector, contributing to both women‚ economic empowerment and climate outcomes. We commit to having at least 50% of our supplier network represented by women and people of color. We also promote women empowerment by creating partnerships with other female led businesses (such as Votch, Krayna, Superfood Lx, Vegan Vibe, NAE - No Animal Exploitation, Hurtig lane, Saisha London and many others). Minorities and small businesses - We work with suppliers and small businesses who have shown evidence of climate conscious supply chain management such as carbon offsetting and maintaining carbon neutrality where possible (such as Saisha London, Lefrik, etc.). With funding we aim to develop a coaching tool (a how to guide ) that will empower minority communities to develop and sell products that are good for the planet. Vulnerable communities - Also, after funding, we aim to empower climate vulnerable communities such as immigrants or those with limited English proficiency by offering the app in additional 3 languages (app currently available in English and Portuguese) along with gamified education about conscious consumption.
Built Environment
Energy Efficiency
Energy storage
Circular Economy
Carbon Removal
Electric Transportation
Cooling Solutions
Clean Cooking
Environmental justice
Research or Economic Modeling
Measurement, Reporting & Validation