2024 KCP Application
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Agelgil Eco-Packaging
Org Type
For Profit
Year Founded
Customers & Partnerships
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Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
We actively empowers traditionally underrepresented groups within the climate movement through several key initiatives. Firstly, we prioritize inclusivity and diversity within our team, actively seeking out and providing opportunities for women, youth, and members of climate-vulnerable communities to contribute and lead. By fostering a diverse workforce, we ensure that a variety of perspectives and experiences are represented in our decision-making processes and innovation efforts. Moreover, we are committed to engaging with and supporting local communities, particularly those most affected by environmental degradation and climate change. This includes partnering with grassroots organizations and providing resources and training to empower individuals within these communities to become advocates for sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. Additionally, our focus on sustainable packaging solutions directly benefits communities by reducing environmental pollution and preserving natural resources, which are often essential for the livelihoods of marginalized groups. Through our tree incubator program, we specifically target areas with water scarcity and challenging climates, empowering communities to combat desertification and mitigate the impacts of climate change on their land and livelihoods.
Mission Statement:
Agelgil Eco Packaging's mission is to transform the packaging industry with pioneering, eco-friendly, and tree-free paper packaging solutions. We are dedicated to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and economic empowerment, fostering a greener and more sustainable future for generations ahead.