2024 KCP Application
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Brineworks B.V.
Org Type
For Profit
Year Founded
Customers & Partnerships
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Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
Our project has already empowered underrepresented researchers by supporting them in senior positions within the Brineworks engineering team and within the company. All of our first full-time employees are either women or young men of color, two of which also come from climate vulnerable communities that are particularly susceptible to water scarcity and negative climate outcomes. Successful development and deployment of our electrolyzer technology for desalination brine treatment will necessarily empower generations of underrepresented climate-minded individuals, as we are intentionally developing a solution that takes aim at ameliorating the acute effects of climate change. Increased water scarcity with increasing global temperatures necessitates an increase in environmentally damaging desalination brine dumping, and our solution reduces a negative environmental externality while increasing water access and directly removing CO2 from the atmosphere. Our ability to scale this technology will provide many jobs in these disproportionately affected areas, and will enable underrepresented individuals to directly participate in research as well as in operation of our solution–exposing them to new personal development opportunities and providing them with knowledge and tools to make even more of a positive impact on their environment.
Mission Statement:
Brineworks is an early-stage company working to commercialize the extraction of carbon-negative materials from industrial waste streams. Our mission is to generate critical raw materials, reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and improve regional water access.
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