2024 KCP Application
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Godi India PVt. Ltd.
Org Type
For Profit
Year Founded
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Name of Project:
Year Project Originated:
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
There is great potential for the dry electrode method to strengthen the position of historically marginalized populations in the climate movement. First off, renewable energy technologies are more widely available due to their simplicity and affordability. Because of its affordability, people with low incomes can embrace renewable energy solutions and lessen their carbon impact, helping to close the economic divide. Second, skill development and community involvement are facilitated by the dry electrode process's simplicity. Training courses centered around this technology have the potential to empower members of marginalized communities by giving them access to possibilities in the renewable energy industry. These communities are given a voice and an active part in influencing sustainable practices through the development of local expertise. Furthermore, community-owned renewable energy projects are made possible by the decentralized nature of dry electrode-based systems. Giving marginalized communities the ability to manage their own energy sources promotes self-sufficiency and lessens reliance on centralized power infrastructure. Essentially, the dry electrode technique empowers people who have historically been marginalized in the larger environmental movement and increases the economic viability of sustainable technology. It also serves as a catalyst for inclusivity, education, and community-driven climate action.
Mission Statement:
GODI is an innovative organization focused on research and development (R&D), and Giga scale Manufacturing (Indigenous Gigafactory), and Recycling of sustainable green energy storage technology. The company is committed to achieving a zero-carbon footprint by promoting and adopting environmentally benign technologies in the fastest and safest possible way.