2024 KCP Application
View Company
Gulu Country Dairy Farm
Org Type
For Profit
Year Founded
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Name of Project:
Year Project Originated:
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
Smallholder dairy/beef production is important in supporting rural livelihoods. Dairy and beef production generate income and contributes to food and nutrition security. The Government of Uganda through the ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries recognizes smallholder dairying as one of the key enterprises to support rural development and implements various programs supporting dairy/beef production. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and other development partners consider smallholder dairying and beef production as a tool to enhance livelihood of rural poor households and as a tool in climate change adaptation and resilience. Improving household food and nutrition security is linked to increased access to and control of income and women participation in decision-making of household expenditure at household level. Enterprises such as dairy/beef production, which provide a regular source of income, provide the ability to increase diversity of food and household need purchases. A household can get income from milk sales, beef sales, animal sales, manure sales, and use of manure as fertilizer. Dairy farmers use the income from milk and meat to purchase other food items such as rice, meat, maize, fish, vegetables, cooking oil, beans, sugar, and salt nonfood items as well as pay for hospital bills, school fees, and other services.
Mission Statement:
Work with dairy/beef farmers to increase food security, increase livestock production and reduce methane emission on farms in Uganda. Our goal is to eventually increase beef and dairy productivity in developing nations, which will improve food security, improve farmer wealth and reduce methane emissions at the same time.