2024 KCP Application
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Pasture Bio
Org Type
For Profit
Year Founded
Customers & Partnerships
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Name of Project:
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Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
Our vaccine has the potential to engage the millions of ranchers and households who raise cattle for sustenance globally, making them allies in reducing the greenhouse gas profile of beef and dairy production. The climate movement has historically vilified these producers (in the case of cattle ranchers) or largely ignored them (in the case of smallholder farmers). Contrary to the popular perception that large concentrated feeding operations dominate the beef cattle industry, half of the roughly 800,000 cow-calf operations in the United States have herds of under 50 cattle. In fact, Pasture Bio’s vaccine is the only viable methane-reducing solution for such small operations that graze their small herds on open pasture. These cow-calf operations do not use the feed rations fed to large concentrated herds, so methane-reducing feed additives like asparagopsis seaweed are not applicable to them. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that over half of the 1.5 billion heads of cattle in the world are raised in developing countries like Brazil, India, China, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Chad, Sudan, Tanzania, and Bangladesh. Our vaccine will empower the millions of households that raise cattle for sustenance in those countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions as well.
Mission Statement:
Vaccinating cattle for beef and dairy with less methane. We're building a vaccine that combats methane-producing microbes in a cow’s gut, reducing a major accelerant of climate change.