2024 KCP Application
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University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Org Type
Year Founded
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Name of Project:
Year Project Originated:
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
We plan to communicate our results to local communities through Open house and workshop activities (the PI’s lab is located in Baltimore City where the majority of the residents are from the minority group, African American: 61.9%; Hispanic: 5.6% etc.) and world-wide through peer-review publications, our social media (e.g., Twitter @IMET_USMD, YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@instituteofmarineandenviro3722), and presentations. The PI will train minority undergraduate and graduate students through the IMET Summer Internship Program, which specifically recruits students from underrepresented groups and institutions. The program was established in 2002 and we have been involved in this program since 2012. During successive summers, six minority undergraduate students have been trained in a paid 9-week research project on microalgae lipid production and carbon sequestration. Two minority graduate students have been trained in the lab (with fellowships funded by NOAA) on the algal carbon sequestration project. During this project, we will recruit one more students/interns from underrepresented groups and institutions to advance our algae carbon sequestration project.
Mission Statement:
Greenhouse gas emissions have far-reaching environmental and health impacts, causing water, energy, and food insecurity. To address these grand challenges, I propose to develop a scalable Cyanobacteria-driven carbon dioxide mitigation and biomanufacturing (CadComb) process to capture carbon dioxide emission from power plant flue gas or the air while producing bioproducts.