2024 KCP Application
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Yamog Renewable Energy Development Group, Inc.
Org Type
Year Founded
Primary Project Category:
Secondary Project Category:
Carbon Sinks (Natural & Engineered)
Social & Cultural Pathways
Transport and Mobility
Name of Project:
Year Project Originated:
Impact on Underrepresented Groups:
Yamog’s clean energy solution (community-managed and nature-based micro-hydropower and solar power systems) empowers mostly indigenous people in off-grid communities, especially the women, by encouraging them to participate in project development, implementation, construction, operation and maintenance. After Yamog organizes the Renewable Energy Users Associations (composed of all household beneficiaries) the task of building local management capacities begin through trainings in: leadership and conflict management, gender and development, operation and maintenance, organizational strengthening, financial management, basic electricity, enterprise development, powerhouse operation, watershed protection and management. Beyond household lighting, indigenous communities are also empowered to optimize their RE systems for productive end-uses (community coffee mills, corn mills, abaca stripping machines, bakeshops, poultry farming, broom-making, wood working, food processing, refrigeration of food, medicine, vaccines, farm products), energizing schools/learning centers, and communication systems linking them to the world outside enabling them to access vital resilience-enhancing information (prices of farm products in the market, weather conditions, health emergencies like pandemics). Greater empowerment is experienced when incidence of respiratory diseases decreases due to the elimination of toxic gases from kerosene lamps, or when the association generates its own funds from members’ regular O&M contributions to sustain their micro-hydro or solar power systems and continue protecting their watersheds.
Mission Statement:
The formation of self-sustaining rural communities in Mindanao where people are capable of managing their natural resources as vehicles towards sustainable development. The members of these communities will have the means to adequately provide for their basic needs and the enduring commitment to live in harmony with the natural environment.
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